United States Regiments & Batteries > Illinois

October Captain Sheerer’s and Captain Barker’s Companies organized at Chicago, Ill. Attached to Stoneman’s Cavalry Command, Army of the Potomac for duty in the Defenses of Washington.
February The McClellan Dragoons were assigned to 12th Illinois Cavalry as Companies H and I, but served detached.

Peninsula Campaign

Moved to the Virginia Peninsula. Attached to Blake’s Brigade, Cavalry Reserve, Army of the Potomac

April to August Attached to Headquarters Army Potomac
April 5-May 4 Siege of Yorktown, Va.
May 4 Near Williamsburg
May 5

Battle of Williamsburg

May 26 Reconnaissance to Hanover Court House
June 25-July 1

Seven days before Richmond

June 26

Battle of Mechanicsville

June 27

Gaines’ Mill

June 29

Peach Orchard and Savage Station

June 30

White Oak Swamp and Glendale

July 1

Malvern Hill

August 27-
September 2

Campaign in Northern Virginia


Maryland Campaign

September 16-17

Battle of Antietam

October 29-
November 17
Movement to Falmouth, Va.
November Assigned to Provost Guard Army of the Potomac
December 12-15

Battle of Fredericksburg

January 20-24
“Mud March”
February At Headquarters 3rd and 2nd Divisions Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac
April 27-May 6

Chancellorsville Campaign

April 29-May 8

Stoneman’s Raid

June 9 Brandy Station and Beverly Ford
June 21 Upperville
July 1-3

Battle of Gettysburg

July 6 Williamsport, Md.
July 8 Boonsboro
July 9 Benevola or Beaver Creek
July 10-13 At and near Funkstown
July 14 Falling Waters
July 26 Chester Gap
July 3-August 1 Kelly’s Ford
August 1-4 and September 7-8 Brandy Station
September 12 Bristoe Station
September 13 Culpeper Court House
September 14-16 Raccoon Ford
September 17 Stevensburg
September 22 Jack’s Shop, Madison Court House
October 9-22

Bristoe Campaign

October 10 Raccoon and Morton’s Fords
October 11-12 Brandy Station
October 15 Oak Hill
November 20-28 The McClellan Dragoons rejoined 12th Illinois Cavalry Regiment and moved to Chicago