30 officers graduated in the West Point Class of 1812.
1 served in the Civil War.
1 officer, George Trescot, was the only graduate of the Class of 1813. He died in 1827.
There was no class ranking until 1818.

Class of 1812 member who served in the Civil War

René E. De Russy Colonel USA Corps of Engineers. Died at San Francisco, Nov. 1865

Cadets who did not serve in the Civil War

John R. Bell Captain Died 1825, Ft. Moultrie, S.C.
John S. Brush Disbanded 1815, died 1860
Londus L. Buck Disbanded 1815, died 1817
Augustus Conant Resigned 1812, died ?
William Cutbush Resigned 1817, died 1855
Alexander Fanning Lieutenant Colonel Died 1846 at Cincinatti, Oh.
George W. Hight Declined reduced postwar rank in 1815, died 1845
William F. Hobart Resigned 1823, died 1825
George Morley First Lieutenant Died 1813 at New Orleans, La.
Francis B. Murdock Resigned 1817, died 1866
Nathan W. Osgood Second Lieutenant Died 1812 at Pass Christian, La.
Thomas B. Randolph Resigned 1815, died 1867
William W. Smith First Lieutenant Mortally wounded 1813, Ft. Prescott, Upper Canada
William Sumter Resigned 1818, died 1826
George Templeman Dropped 1820, died 1852
Alexander R. Thompson Lieutenant Colonel Killed 1837, battle of Okeechobee, Fl.
George Trescot Graduated 1813. Resigned 1819, died 1827
Joseph M. Wilcox First Lieutenant Killed fighting with Creek Indians in Alabama 1814

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Main West Point Officers page
with list of class years

Alphabetical Index of West Point Officers in the Civil War
A • B • C • DE • FG • H • IJKL • M • NOP • QR • S • TUV • W