38 officers graduated in the West Point Class of 1848
25 served in the Civil War

Class of 1848 members who served in the Civil War

For Federal officers indicated rank is as U.S. Volunteers unless shown as “USA,” which indicates rank in the Regular U.S. Army.

William Nelson Rector Beall 30 Brigadier General
John C. Booth 24 Captain
John Buford (bio) 16 Major General Died of disease 1863. Monument at Gettysburg.
Joseph C. Clark 9 Captain USA Retired from active service 1864 due to wounds
Richard I. Dodge 19 Major USA
James C. Duane 3 Captain USA Corps of Engineers
Nathan George Evans 36 Brigadier General
Enoch Q. Fellows NA Colonel Resigned in 1848 before graduation.
George W. Howland 38 Major USA
Daniel Huston 35 Colonel
Thomas K. Jackson 25 Major
William Edmonson Jones 10 Brigadier General Killed Mount Crawford. Virginia 1864
Thomas D. Johns 32 Colonel
William T. Mechling 33 Major
Nathaniel H. McLean 27 Lieutenant Colonel
Nathaniel Michler 7 Major USA Corps of Engineers
A. Galbraith Miller 28 Lieutenant Colonel Resigned March 1862
Charles H. Ogle 29 Major Honorably discharged Nov. 1862, died March 1863
Thomas A. Rhett 14 Colonel
George Hume Steuart 37 Brigadier General
Walter Husted Stevens 4 Brigadier General Chief Engineer, Army of Northern Virginia 1864-5
Grier Tallmadge 20 Captain USA Died Fort Monroe Va. October 1862
John C. Tidball 11 Brigadier General
Charles H. Tyler 23 Colonel
Robert S. Williamson 5 Lt. Colonel USA Corps of Engineers

Class members who did not serve in the Civil War

George C. Barber 34 Second Lieutenant Died on duty, Indianola, Tx. 1853.
Edward Bryan 18 Resigned 1848. Died Apr. 1861.
Andrew J. Donelson 2 Resigned 1855. Died 1859.
Benjamin D. Forsythe 13 First Lieutenant Died on sick leave Jan. 1861.
William G. Gill 12 Resigned 1861. Died 1862.
James Holmes 15 First Lieutenant Died on duty Ft. Independence, Mass.
James M. Haynes 8 Second Lieutenant Died on duty Mexico City 1850
George H. Paige 26 Captain Died on duty, Camp Floyd, Ut. 1859.
Ferdinand Paine 31 Second Lieutenant Died on duty, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. 1854
Rufus A. Roys 6 Second Lieutenant Died on duty 1850 horse accident Ft. Kearney, Neb.
Robert M. Russel 22 Resigned 1850.
William A. Slaughter 21 First Lieutenant Killed, fight with indians, Brannan’s Prairie, Wash. 1855
William P. Trowbridge 1 Civilian in charge of Engineer Agency in New York
Truman K. Walbridge 17 First Lieutenant Died on sick leave Oct. 1856.

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Main West Point Officers
page with list of class years

Alphabetical Index of West Point Officers in the Civil War
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