The class year for an officer links to the page for that class. If a name is highlighted it links to a biography.

Last name First name   Class
Wagner Orlando G. 1859
Wainwright Robert A. 1835
Walker Charles J. 1857
Walker Henry Harrison 1853
Walker Lucius Marsh 1850
Walker Thomas W. 1856
Walker William Henry Talbot 1837
Wallen Henry D. 1840
Ward Thomas 1863
Warner Charles N. 1862
Warner Edward R. 1857
Warner James Meech 1860
Warren Gouverneur Kemble 1850
Washington Thornton A. 1849
Waterman C. Douglas 1864
Watson Malone F. M-1861
Watts George O. J-1861
Wayne CHenry Constantine 1838
Webb Alexander Stewart 1855
Webb William A. 1853
Weed Stephen H. 1854
Weeks George H. 1857
Weitzel Godfrey 1855
Welcker William T. 1851
Wells James M. 1835
Weasels Henry Walton 1833
Wharton Henry C. 1862
Wheeler Edward D. 1864
Wheeler James 1855
Wheeler Joseph 1859
Wheeler Junius B. 1855
Wheelock Joseph H. 1850
Whipple Ariel Weeks 1841
Whipple William Denison 1851
Whistler Joseph N. G. 1846
White Edward B. 1826
White James L. 1853
White Moses J. 1858
Whitely Robert H. K. 1830
Whiting Charles J. 1835
Whiting Danie P. 1832
Whiting Henry 1840
Whiting William Henry Chase 1845
Whittemore James M. 1860
Whittlesey Charles 1831
Whittlesey Joseph H. 1844
Wickliff Charles 1839
Wilcox Cadmus Marcellus 1846
Wilcox Orlando Bolivar 1847
Wildrick Abram 1857
Wilkins John D. 1846
Williams George A. 1852
Williams James S. 1831
Williams John B. M-1861
Williams Lawrence A. 1852
Williams Robert 1851
Williams Seth 1842
Williams Solomon 1858
Williams Thomas 1837
Williams Thomas G. 1849
Williamson Robert S. 1848
Wilson J. Eveleth 1862
Wilson James H. 1850
Wilson James Harrison 1860
Wilson John M. 1860
Wilson Thomas 1853
Winder Charles Sidney 1850
Winder John Henry 1820
Withers John 1849
Withers Jones Mitchell 1835
Wood Thomas John 1845
Wood William 1845
Woodbury Daniel Phineas 1836
Woodruff George J-1861
Woods Charles Robert 1852
Woods Joseph J. 1847
Woods Samuel 1837
Worth Henry A. E. 1859
Worthington Thomas 1827
Wright Crafts J. 1828
Wright George 1822
Wright Horatio Gouverneur 1841
Wright Moses 1859
Wyman Powell T. 1850
Wyse Francis O. 1837

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