Department of Virginia April 1862 United States Army < to March • April 1862 • to May > Commanded by Major General John Wool Fortress Monroe and Camp Hamilton 1st Delaware Infantry Regiment Colonel John W. Andrews 20th Indiana Infantry Regiment Colonel William L. Brown 5th Maryland Infantry Regiment Colonel William L. Schley 16th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel Powell T. Wyman 1st Michigan Infantry Regiment Colonel John C. Robinson 1st New York Mounted Rifles Major Charles C. Dodge 10th New York Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel Alexander Elder 20th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Max Weber 99th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel David W. Wardop 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment Colonel Joseph Harlan 58th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel J. Richter Jones 4th United States Artillery, Battery D 4th United States Artillery, Battery L 2nd Wisconsin Battery Captain Ernst F. Herzberg 4th Wisconsin Battery Captain John F. Vallee Newport News Brigadier General Joseph K.F. Mansifeld 7th Massachusetts Independent Battery 29th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel Ebenezer Pierce 1st New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Garrett W. Dyckman 2nd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Joseph B. Carr 7th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel George Von Schack 11th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Charles M. Leoser