United States Regiments & Batteries > Pennsylvania > 11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment

The 11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment lost 12 officers and 224 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 4 officers and 177 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. It is honored by a monument at Gettysburg.

April 26 The 11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment organized for three months service at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg under the command of Colonel Phaon Jarrett, Lieutenant Colonel Richard Coulter and Major William D. Earnest
May 4 Moved by rail to Camp Wayne, West Chester, Pa.
May 27 Duty guarding the Pittsburg, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad.

  • Headquarters and Companies A and B were at Havre de Grace.
  • Companies C and D were at Perryville.
  • Company E at Charlestown.
  • Company F at North East.
  • Company G at Chesapeake City guarding the Delaware & Chesapeake Canal
  • Companies I and H at Elkton
  • Company K at Newark, Delaware
June 18 Relieved by the 1st Delaware Infantry Regiment and ordered to Chambersburg. Attached to Negley’s 5th Brigade, 2nd Division, Patterson’s Army
June 20 Transferred to Abercrombie’s 6th Brigade
June 29 Moved to Williamsport, Md.
July 2

Falling Waters

The regiment was given the nickname “Bloody Eleventh,” losing Private Amos Suppinger killed and ten other men wounded in fighting against Jackson’s Virginia Brigade.

July 3 Occupation of Martinsburg. The regiment was presented with a stand of colors by the ladies of Martinsburg which was subsequently used by the three years service regiment.
July 15 Advance on Bunker Hill
July 25 Moved to Harper’s Ferry. General Patterson requested the regiment to remain a week to ten days after its term of service until replacements could arrive, and the regiment unanimously volunteered to do so.
August 1 The 11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment mustered out at the end of its three months service. The Secretary of War offered to accept the regiment for three years service if it were ready to march within 21 days after its mustering out.
Reorganized for three years service
August Nine companies were organized for three years service at Harrisburg and in Westmoreland County under the command of Colonel Richard Coulter, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas S. Martin, and Major Henry A. Frink.
August-November At Camp Curtin, where 11 men died from sickness.
November 27 Moved to Baltimore, Md. and attached to Dix’s Division, then moved to Annapolis, Md. The regiment was quartered in St. John’s College buildings and provided guard for the Naval Academy and branch railroad and provost guard for the city. Seventeen more men died of disease during this time.
March 9 Company A under Captain Kuhn was detailed to proceed up the bay by boat to act as lookout for the Confederate ironclad C.S.S. Virginia (ex-U.S.S. Merrimac).
April 9 Moved to Washington, D.C. and attached to Wadsworth’s Command, Military District of Washington
April 13 New uniforms were issued.
April 15 The regiment was reviewed by President Lincoln at the White House.
April 17 Taken by boat to Alexandria and then by train to Manassas Junction to guard Manassas Gap Railroad
May 12 Marched to Catlett’s Station and attached to 3rd Brigade, Ord’s Division, Dept. of the Rappahannock
May 14 The regiment continued the march to Falmouth in heavy rains
May 23 Division reviewed by President Lincoln.
June The regiment marched to Aquia Creek where it boarded a steamer for Alexandria, transferred to a train to Manassas Junction, and marched to Front Royal. After facilitating the withdrawal of baggage trains, the regiment returned by rail to Manassas Junction and was attached to 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 3rd Corps, Army of Virginia.
August 9

Battle of Cedar Mountain

The regiment suffered three men wounded.

August 16

Pope’s Campaign in Northern Virginia

August 21-23

Fords of the Rappahannock

The regiment lost one man killed, three wounded and one missing.

August 26 Warrenton
August 28

Thoroughfare Gap

The regiment suffered 2 officers and16 enlisted men killed, Captain John B. Keenan, 2 other officers and 37 enlisted men wounded, and two men missing.

August 30

Second Battle of Bull Run (Second Manassas)

Colonel Coulter took command of the brigade when Colonel Fletcher Webster of the 12th Massachusetts was killed. Captain John B. Keenan took command of the regiment after Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Martin was killed and Major Henry Frink was severly wounded and captured.

The regiment lost 52 men killed, 67 wounded, and 75 missing from August 28-30.

The national colors were captured when Sergeant Fightner, the color bearer, was wounded and fell into Confederate hands.  The state colors were saved, although a series of color bearers (all from Company C) were wounded: Segeant Robert Knox, who lost his right leg, First Sergeant Samuel S. Bierer, and Second Lieutenant Absalom Schall.

September 1

Battle of Chantilly

The regiment suffered one man wounded. Major Henry Frink was promoted to lieutenant colonel and Captain John B. Keenan to major.

September 3 The regimental band was mustered out of service in compliance with an act of Congress dissolving regimental bands. The regiment bivouaced at Silver Springs, Md.
September 6-24

Maryland Campaign

Atached to 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac

September 14

Battle of South Mountain

The regiment lost two men wounded.

September 16-17

Battle of Antietam

The 11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment was heavily engaged in the West Woods, losing lost 1 officer and 26 men killed, 4 oficers and 85 men wounded, and two captured. Colonel Coulter took over command of the brgade early in the action when General Hartsuff was wounded, and Captain Cook of Company F took command of the regiment.

Daniel Mathews was severely wounded, Private William Welty killed, and Corporal Frederick Welty severly wounded while carrying the state colors. For a time the colors were left on the field after all of the color party had been shot down. The colors were retrieved by Second Lieutenant Edward Gay, who was twice wounded. They finally ended up carried by Sergeant Henry Bitner of Company E.

From the brigade marker on the Antietam battlefield:

Hartsuff’s Brigade, advancing from the Poffenberger Woods early on the 17th, passed through the northern part of the East Woods and over the open ground west of them, and went into action on a line running northwest and southeast through this point. Early in the movement Gen. Hartsuff was wounded and the command devolved upon Col. Richard Coulter, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry. The left center of the 11th Pennsylvania was at this point with the 12th Massachusetts on the right. On the immediate left of the 11th was the 13 Massachusetts and on its left was the 83rd New York. In this position, supported by two Regiments of Christian’s Brigade, it maintained a sanguinary contest in which it lost half its number, but was compelled to withdraw, being relieved by the advance of Crawford’s Brigade, Twelfth Corps. The Brigade carried into action about 1220 men of whom 82 were killed and 497 wounded. The 12th Massachusetts lost 224 out of 334 engaged.

September-October Duty at Sharpsburg
October 3 The brigade was reviewed by President Lincoln.
October 7 Colonel Coulter resumed command of regiment when Brigadier General Nelson Taylor assumed command of the brigade.
October 29 Clothing and tents were issued.
October 30-November 19 Movement to Falmouth, Va.
December 12-15

Battle of Fredericksburg

The 11th Pennsylvania Infantry suffered one officer and 14 men killed, 5 officers and 61 men wounded, and 5 men captured. Colonel Coulter was severely wounded and Captain Kuhns took over the regiment during the battle. The state colors were carried by Corporal John Kuhns, who was wounded three times, losing his left leg, then by Cyrus Chambers, who was killed, then Corporal John Thomas, severely wounded, and finally by Captain Benjamin Haines of company B.

After the battle Lieutenant Colonel Batchelder of the 13th Massachusetts was placed in command of the regiment by special order since the regiment had lost so many of its officers.

December 31 Lieutenant Colonel Frink returned from his Bull Run wound and resumed command, but shortly afterwards returned to the hospital in Georgetown.
January 2 Calber .69 arms replaced all caliber .57 and .58 weapons.
January 19 Colonel Coulter rejoined the regiment, but was as yet too unwell to assume command.
January 20-24 “Mud March”
February-April At Falmouth and Belle Plain. Colonel Coulter resumed command. The First Corps badge, a white globe or disk, was adopted at this time by order of General Hooker.
April 27-May 6

Chancellorsville Campaign

April 29-May 2 Operations at Pollock’s Mill Creek
April 29-30 Fitzhugh’s Crossing
May 2-5

Battle of Chancellorsville

Attached to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 1st Corps, Army of the Potomac

June 11-July 24

Gettysburg Campaign

June 12 – 30 The brigade left Falmouth and moved via Warrenton Junction, Centreville, Herndon and Guilford Stations to Edward’s Ferry, where it crossed the Potomac on the 25th. It continued the march through Barnsville and Middletown.
June 28 Left Middletown in the afternoon and March to Frederick City, camping about two miles west of the city.
June 29 Moved out of camp early and marched through Mechanicstown to halt for the night near Emmitsburg, Maryland.
June 30  Marched through Emmitsburg on the Gettysburg road and encamped at Wolford’s farm 2 miles east of town and about one-fourth of a mile north of the Maryland and Pennsylvania line, where the Eleventh mustered for pay.
July 1

Battle of Gettysburg – First Day

The regiment marched to Gettysburg and were engaged with the enemy west of town on Oak Ridge. After severe fighting the regiment fell back to breastworks on Cemetery Hill. It was attached to 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 1st Corps so that Colonel Coulter could take command of that brigade from the severely wounded General Paul. Captain Benjamin F. Haines took command of the regiment.

July 2

Battle of Gettysburg – Second Day

On July 2 the regiment was involved in heavy fighting on the north end of Cemetery Ridge.  Colonel Coulter was badly wounded in the arm but returned to command after briefly having it treated. The Eleventh was relieved by the Second Corps and marched about one-fourth of a mile to Cemetery Hill, behind which it formed to support a battery on the hill. It remained there until 8 p. m., when it shifted position to the left, then formed behind a stone wall along the road between the hill and town.

July 3

Battle of Gettysburg – Third Day

At daylight on the July 3 the regiment was moved back to the position it had occupied in the rear of the cemetery. It stayed there until noon, when it was moved to the right.

When the artillery barrage preceding Pickett’s Charge began about 2 p. m. the shelling was so heavy it was necessary to move to the north side of the hill. The regiment remained there about an hour. It then marched across the cemetery to the right of the position it occupied on the July 2, where it formed in line. Captain Benjamin F. Haines was wounded, and Captain John Overmayer took command until Captain J.J. Bierer returned from sick leave on the 4th. It remained there until July 5th.

The regiment lost fifteen men killed, fifty-nine wounded, and sixty-four taken prisoner during the three days of fighting. Corporal John McKalip was severly wounded carrying the state colors, which were left abandoned in some bushes with the loss of the color party in the fighting on the first day. Private Michael Kepler of Company D retrieved and carried them for the rest of the battle.

July 5 Early in the morning the regiment was withdrawn from the rifle-pits and moved to the left.
June 6 Left early in the morning and marched 6 miles toward Emmitsburg, Md. to the Pennsylvania State line. Was detailed for picket duty.
June 7 At 3 a. m. the pickets were called in. The regiment rejoined the brigade and marched through Emmitsburg and Mechanicstown camping in the evening about 5 miles from Middletown, Md. on a range of the South Mountain.
July 8 Started at daylight and marched through Middletown, Md., and bivouacked and entrenched on the north side of South Mountain.
July 10 At 8 a. m. marched through Boonsborough and halted at Beaver Creek. Threw up breastworks, expecting to be attacked by the enemy.
July 12 (Sunday) Left campment at noon and marched about 7 miles to Funkstown, crossing Antietam Creek. Formed line of battle and entrenched in the evening.
July 14 The Confederates having recrossed the Potomac, marched to within 1 1/2 miles of Williamsport.
July 15 Marched through Keedysville, Md., and Petersville, then encamp at the foot of South Mountain.
July 16 At 5:30 a. m. marched across South Mountain, passing through Burkittsville, and camped near Berlin early in the day.
July 18 Crossed the Potomac on a pontoon bridge at Berlin and camped at Waterford Virginia. Transferred back to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 1st Corps.
July 19 Left Waterford at 8 a.m. and marched to Hamilton.
Junly 20 Crossed Goose Creek and caped atMiddleburg.
July 22 Left camp at 6 p.m. and marched through the night, arriving at White Plains at 3 a.m.
June 23 Marched toward Warrenton, Va. at 8 a.m., arriving at 3 p. m.
July-October Duty on the Rapidan
October 9-22

Bristoe Campaign

November 7-8 Advance to line of the Rappahannock
November 26-December 2

Mine Run Campaign

Colonel Coulter again took command of the brigade, while Major Keenan was in command of the regiment. The regiment suffered two wounded, one from a raid by Mosby’s partisans in Union uniforms.

January 5 204 men of the regiment reenlisted and it was designated “Veteran Volunteers”
February 5 276 Veterans go on furlough, quartering at Soldier’s Rest in Alexandria, where they received pay and new clothing before travelling on to Harrisonburg. Recruiting stations were set up in Pittsburg, Greensburg, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Carlisle, and Mauch Chunk.
February 6-7 Demonstration on the Rapidan
March 20 The regiment reassembled at Harrisonburg
March 28 Veterans returned from furlough, bringing 314 additional recruits, for a regimental strength of 590. Attached to 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Corps, Army of the Potomac.

Rapidan Campaign

May 5-7

Battle of the Wilderness

The 11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment lost around 50 casualties on the 5th, including the capture of Captain Chalfant, and 157 killed and wounded on the 6th. Colonel Coulter took command of the brigade due to the wounding of General Baxter, leaving Major Keenan again in command of the regiment until he was killed on the 7th. Captain Benjamin F. Hains then took command.

Corporal J.J. Lehman was killed bearing the state colors, and Second Lieutenant McCutchen of Company F brought them off the field.

Due to high casualties and the loss of its division and brigade commanders the 2nd Division was broken up, with the 11th Pennsylvania attached to the 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 5th Army Corps.

May 10
Laurel Hill

The regiment charged and successfully took a line of rifle pits on the slopes of the hill, but was unable to take the entrenchments at its summitt. The brigade lost 20% of its strength in the atack.

May 8-21

Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

Colonel Coulter was wounded in the chest when he led a charge of the 88th Pennsylvania and was forced to leave the field.

May 12

Assault on the Salient

May 23-26

North Anna River

May 25 Jericho Ford
May 26-28 On line of the Pamunkey
May 28-31


May 30 Lieutenant Colonel Frink was promoted to colonel of the 186th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
June 1-12

Battle of Cold Harbor

June 1-3 Bethesda Church
June 13 White Oak Swamp
June 16-18

Grant’s First Assault on Petersburg

July 30

Mine Explosion (Battle of the Crater)

The regiment was in reserve.

August 18-21

Weldon Railroad

Captain Noble of Company A recaptured the colors of the 94th New York, and Private George W. Reed of Company E earned the Medal of Honor for capturing the flag of the 24th North Carolina at Weldon Railroad, on August 21. The 11th lost 4 killed, 10 wounded, and 74 captured.

September 15 Reconnaissance toward Dinwiddie Court House
Novembr 16 Veterans and enlisted men of the 90th Pennsylvania Infantry were transferred to the 11th when the 90th mustered out. Although the 11th had taken over 500 casualties since the beginning of the campaign, recruitment kept its strength above 200.
December 7-12

Warren’s Raid to Weldon Railroad

The regiment lost 1 man wounded and 2 missing

December 26 Major Benjamin Haines was promoted to lieutenant colonel and Captin John B. Overmayer to major
January Major John B. Overmeyer took over command of the regiment as Major Hains was promoted and given command of another Pennsylvania regiment.
February 5-7

Battle of Dabney’s Mills or Hatcher’s Run

The regiment lost 9 killed, 69 wounded, and 9 missing. Sallie, the regimental mascot (portrayed on the regiment’s monument at Gettysburg) was killed. A group of men buried her on the field under heavy fire.

March Attached to 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 5th Army Corps
March 28-April 9

Appomattox Campaign

March 29 Lewis Farm, Gravelly Run
March 31

White Oak Road

April 1

Battle of Five Forks

Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Overmayer was wounded and brevetted colonel.

Medal of Honor from the Civil War eraSergeant Hiram H. De Lavie of Company I earned the Medal of Honor for capturing the flag of the 32nd Virginia Infantry.

April 9

Appomattox Court House

Surrender of Lee and his army.

May Moved to Washington
May 23 Grand Review
July 1 The 11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment mustered out 340 men under the command of Colonel Coulter, Lieutenant Colonel Keenan and Major Overmeyer.