United States Army > Army of the Potomac
September 1862 • to October >
Commanded by
Major General Joseph Hooker (wounded September 17)
Brigadier General G. Meade (to September 29)
Brigadier General John F. Reynolds
On September 12, 1862 the Third Corps of the Army of Virginia was redesignated the First Corps of the Army of the Potomac. The First Corps was engaged in both the Battle of South Mountain on September 14 and the Battle of Antietam on September 19, suffering heavy casualties. Joseph Hooker was wounded at Antietam. George Meade took command of the corps until John Reynolds returned from two weeks commanding the Pennsylvania Militia for Governor Curtin.
Headquarters Escort | ||
2nd New York Cavalry, Companies A, B, I & K | Captain John E. Naylor | |
First Division |
Brigadier General Rufus King (to 9/14) Brigadier General John P. Hatch (w 9/14) Brigadier General Abner Doubleday |
First Brigade | Brigadier General J. P. Hatch (9/12 – 9/14) Colonel Walter Phelps, Jr. (after 9/14) |
22nd New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Walter Phelps (^ 9/14) Lt. Colonel John McKie Jr. |
24th New York Infantry Regiment | Captain John D. O’Brien (w 9/17) Major Robert Oliver (after 9/29) |
30th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel William M. Searing | |
14th New York State Militia | Major William H. de Bevoise | |
2nd United States Sharpshooters | Colonel Henry Post (w 9/17) | |
Second Brigade | Brigadier General Abner Doubleday (^ 9/14) Colonel W. P. Wainwright (w 9/14) Lt. Colonel J. W. Hoffman |
7th Indiana Infantry Regiment | Major Ira G. Grover | |
76th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel William P. Wainwright (^ 9/14) Lieutenant Chauncey Crandell (9/14) Captain John W. Young |
95th New York Infantry Regiment | Major Edward Pye | |
56th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Lt. Colonel John W. Hoffman (^ 9/14) Captain Frederick Williams |
Third Brigade | Brigadier General Marsena Patrick | |
21st New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel William F. Rogers | |
23rd New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Henry C. Hoffman | |
35th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Newton B. Lord | |
80th New York Infantry Regiment | Lt. Colonel Theodore B. Gates | |
Fourth Brigade “Iron Brigade” | Brigadier General John Gibbon | |
19th Indiana Infantry Regiment | Colonel Solomon Meredith (to 9/16) Lieutenant Colonel Alois O. Bachmann (k 9/17) Captain William W. Dudley |
2nd Wisconsin Infantry Regiment | Colonel Lucius Fairchild (w 9/14) Major Rufus R. Dawes |
6th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment | Lt. Colonel Edward S. Bragg | |
7th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment | Captain John B. Callis | |
Division Artillery | ||
1st New Hampshire Battery | Lieutenant Frederick M. Edgell | |
Battery D, 1st Rhode Island Artillery | Captain John Albert Monroe | |
Battery L, 1st New York Artillery | Captain John A. Reynolds | |
4th United States Artillery, Battery B | Captain Joseph Campbell (w 9/17) Lieutenant James Stewart |
Second Division |
Brigadier General John B. Ricketts (to 9/17) | |
First Brigade | Brigadier General Abram Duryea | |
97th New York Infantry Regiment | Lt. Colonel John P. Spotford | |
104th New York Infantry Regiment | Major Lewis C. Skinner | |
105th New York Infantry Regiment | Lt. Colonel Howard Carroll (mw 9/17) Captain John C. Whiteside |
107th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Thomas F. McCoy | |
Second Brigade | Colonel William H. Christian (res. 9/19) Colonel Peter Lyle |
26th New York Infantry Regiment | Lt. Colonel Richard H. Richardson (Col. 9/19) | |
94th New York Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel Calvin Littlefield | |
88th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Lt. Colonel George W. Gile (w 9/17) Captain Carmack (w 9/17) Captain Myers |
90th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Peter Lyle (^9/17) Lieutenant Colonel Leech |
Third Brigade | Brigadier General G. L. Hartsuff (w 9/17) Colonel Richard Coulter |
16th Maine Infantry Regiment | Colonel Asa Wildes | from Washington 9/6 |
12th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment | Major Elisha Burbank (mw 9/17) Captain Benjamin Cook (to 9/9) Colonel James L. Bates |
13th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment | Major Jacob Parker Gould | |
9th New York State Militia | Lt. Colonel William Atterbury | |
11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Richard Coulter (^ 9/17) Captain David M. Cook |
Division Artillery | ||
2nd Maine Battery | Captain James A. Hall | |
5th Maine Battery | Captain G. F. Leppien | |
Battery F, 1st Pennsylvania Artillery | Captain Ezra P. Matthews | |
Pennsylvania Independent Battery C | Captain James Thompson | |
Third Division |
Brigadier General George Meade (to 9/17) Brigadier General T. Seymour (to 9/29) Brigadier General George Meade |
First Brigade | Brigadier General Truman Seymour (^ 9/12) Colonel R. Biddle Roberts (9/17-9/29) Brigadier General Truman Seymour |
1st Pennsylvania Reserves | Colonel Richard B. Roberts (except 9/12 – 9/17) Captain William C. Talley (9/17-9/29) |
2nd Pennsylvania Reserves | Captain James N. Byrnes | |
5th Pennsylvania Reserves | Colonel Joseph W. Fisher | |
6th Pennsylvania Reserves | Colonel William Sinclair | |
13th Pennsylvania Reserves | Colonel Hugh McNeil (mw 9/16) Adjutant William Hartshorne |
Second Brigade | Colonel Albert L. Magilton | |
3rd Pennsylvania Reserves | Lieutenant Colonel John C. Clark | |
4th Pennsylvania Reserves | Major John Nyce | |
7th Pennsylvania Reserves | Colonel Henry C. Bolinger (w 9/14) Major Chauncey A. Lyman |
8th Pennsylvania Reserves | Major Silas M. Baily | |
Third Brigade | Colonel Thomas F. Gallagher (w 9/14) Lieutenant Colonel Robert Anderson |
9th Pennsylvania Reserves | Lieutenant Colonel Robert Anderson (^ 9/14) Captain Samuel B. Dick |
10th Pennsylvania Reserves | Lieutenant Colonel Adoniram J. Warner (w 9/17) Captain Jonathan P. Smith |
11th Pennsylvania Reserves | Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Jackson | |
12th Pennsylvania Reserves | Captain Richard Gustin | |
Division Artillery | ||
Battery A, 1st Pennsylvania Artillery | Lieutenant John G. Simpson | |
Battery B, 1st Pennsylvania Artillery | Captain James H. Cooper | |
Battery G, 1st Pennsylvania Artillery | Lieutenant Frank P. Amsden | |
Battery C, 5th United States Artillery | Captain Dunbar R. Ransom Lieutenant Henry S. Gansevoort (9/17) |