40 officers graduated in the West Point Class of 1822
12 served in the Civil War

Class of 1822 members who served in the Civil War

For Federal officers indicated rank is as U.S. Volunteers unless shown as “USA,” which indicates rank in the Regular U.S. Army.

John Joseph Abercrombie 37 Brigadier General USV
William Cook 6 Brigadier General* *rank in New Jersey militia
Campbell Graham 9 Major USA On sick leave 1855-61, Retired Sept. 1861
Walter Gwynn 8 Brigadier General* *rank in Virginia militia
David Hunter 25 Major General USV
Joseph King Fenno Mansfield 2 Major General USV Mortally wounded at Antietam Sept. 1862; monument
George Archibald McCall 26 Brigadier General USV
Thompson Morris 31 Lt. Colonel USA On sick leave 1860-61, retired Sep. 1861
John Pickell 16 Colonel USV Resigned Mar. 1862, died Jan. 1865
Isaac Ridgeway Trimble 17 Major General
George Wright 24 Brigadier General USA Died in shipwreck of Brother Jonathan July 1865
David H. Vinton 14 Lt. Colonel USA Quartermaster staff

Cadets who did not serve in the Civil War

Horace Bliss 5 Resigned 1836
William M. Boyce 20 Resigned 1836, killed in train wreck 1855
Augustus Canfield 13 Captain Died on duty at Detroit, Mi. 1854
Henry Clark 40 First Lieutenant Died on duty at Rochester NY 1830
James H. Cooke 11 Resigned 1833, died 1834
St. Clair Denny 21 Major Died on duty at Pittsburg, Pa., 1858
George Dutton 1 Major Died on duty at Philadelphia, Pa. 1857
George W. Folger 34 Resigned 1826, died 1845
Henry H. Grid 18 Resigned 1829, died 1845
John D. Hopson 30 First Lieutenant Died on duty at Louisville, Ky. 1829
Thomas R. Ingalls 4 Resigned 1829
Thomas Johnston 33 Dropped 1834, sied 1835
Westwood Lacey 22 First Lieutenant Died on duty at Tallahassee, Fl. 1829
Francis Lee 28 Colonel Died on sick leave 1855
Albert Lincoln 27 Bvt. 2nd Lieutenant Died on graduation leave 1822
Thomas McNamera 35 Resigned 1830, died 1834
David Moniac 39 Major Killed battle of Wahoo Swamp, Fl. 1836.
First Native American to graduate from USMA
William Rose 7 Second Lieutenant Died on duty at Washington 1825
John J. Schuler 15 Resigned 1828
Charles G. Smith 3 Second Lieutenant Died on duty at Ft. Moultrie, S.C., 1827
James R. Stephenson 29 Captain Died on sick leave 1841
Eustace Trenor 23 Major Died on sick leave 1847
Thompson B. Wheelock 10 First Lieutenant Died on duty at Ft. Micanopy, Fl. 1836
John R. Wilcox 32 Resigned 1824, died 1839
Samuel Wragg 38 Second Lieutenant Died on duty at Franklin, Tn. 1828
Aaron Wright 36 Dismissed for financial impropriety 1823
Benjamin H. Wright 19 Resigned 1823
William C. Young 12 Resigned 1826

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Main West Point Officers page
with list of class years

Alphabetical Index of West Point Officers in the Civil War
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