United States Army > Army of the Potomac

< to October • November 1864 • to December >

Commanded by Major General John G. Parke

Provost Guard

79th New York Infantry Major Andrew D. Baird

First Division

Brigadier General Orlando Wilcox
First Brigade  Brigadier General john R. Hartranft (to 11/28)
Colonel James Bintliff
8th Michigan Infantry Regiment
27th Michigan Infantry Regiment
109th New York Infantry Regiment
13th Ohio Cavalry (dismounted)
51st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
37th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment
38th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment
Second Brigade  Colonel B. M. Cutcheon
1st Michigan Sharpshooters Regiment
2nd Michigan Infantry Regiment
20th Michigan Infantry Regiment
46th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Adolphus Becker
50th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
60th Ohio Infantry Regiment
Third Brigade  Colonel Napoleon B. McLaughlin
3rd Maryland infantry Battalion
29th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
57th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
59th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
14th New York Heavy Artillery
100th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
17th Michigan Infantry Regiment

Second Division

Brigadier General R. B. Potter
First Brigade Colonel J. I. Curtin
35th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment
36th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Major William F. Draper
58th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel John C. Whiton
39th New Jersey Infantry Division Colonel Abram C. Wildrick
51st New York Infantry Regiment
45th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel John I. Curtin
48th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry Pleasants
Second Brigade Colonel S. G. Griffin
31st Maine Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Hight
32nd Maine Infantry Regiment Major Arthur Deering
2nd Maryland Infantry Regiment
56th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel Stephen N. Weld
6th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Henry H. Pearson
9th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel John W. Babbitt
11th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment Colonel Walter Harriman
2nd New York Mounted Rifles to Cavalry Corps, 2nd Div, 3rd Bde.
179th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel William M. Gregg
186th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Bradley Winslow
17th Vermont Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Charles Cummings
7th Rhode Island Infantry Regiment Captain Theodore Winn

Third Division

Brigadier General Edward Ferrero
First Brigade Colonel Delavan Bates (to 11/26)
Colonel J. A Matthews
27th United States Colored Troops
30th United States Colored Troops Colonel Delavan Bates
39th United States Colored Troops Colonel O.P. Stearns
43rd United States Colored Troops
Second Brigade Colonel H. G. Thomas
19th United States Colored Troops Colonel H. G. Thomas
23rd United States Colored Troops
28th United States Colored Troops Colonel C.S. Russel
29th United States Colored Troops
31st United States Colored Troops

Provisional Brigade

Brigadier General John Hartranft created 11/28
200th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Charles W. Diven from
Provisional Brig.
Army of the James
205th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Joseph A. Mathews
207th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Robert C. Cox
208th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Alfred B. McCalmont
209th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Tobias B. Kauffman
211th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel James H. Trimble

Corps Artillery

Brevet Brigadier General John C. Tidball 
7th Maine Battery
11th Massachusetts Battery
19th New York Independent Battery
27th New York Independent Battery
34th New York Independent Battery
Pennsylvania Independent Battery D