United States Army > Army of the Potomac
< to May • June 1862 • to July >
Commanded by Brigadier General William B. Franklin
First Division |
Brigadier General Henry Slocum | |
First Brigade | Brigadier General George W. Taylor | |
1st New Jersey Infantry Regiment | Colonel Alfred T. A. Torbert | |
2nd New Jersey Infantry Regiment | Colonel Isaac M. Tucker (k 6/27) Lt, Colonel Samuel L. Buck |
3rd New Jersey Infantry Regiment | Colonel Henry W. Brown | |
4th New Jersey Infantry Regiment | Colonel James H. Simpson | |
Second Brigade | Colonel Joseph J. Bartlett | |
5th Maine Infantry Regiment | Colonel Nathaniel J. Jackson | |
16th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Joseph Howland | |
27th New York Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Adams | |
96th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Henry L. Cake | |
Third Brigade | Brigadier General John Newton | |
18th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel William H. Young | |
31st New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Calvin E. Pratt | |
32nd New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Roderick Matheson | |
95th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel John M. Gosline (to 6/29) Colonel Gustavus Town |
Division Cavalry and Artillery | ||
1st Massachusetts Battery | ||
Battery A, 1st New Jersey Artillery | Captain William Hexamer | |
Battery F, 1st New York Artillery | to 4th Corps, Yorktown Va. | |
Battery D, 2nd United States Artillery | ||
Second Division |
Brigadier General W. F. Smith | |
First Brigade | Brigadier General Winfield S. Hancock | |
6th Maine Infantry Regiment | Colonel Hiram Burnham | |
43rd New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Francis L. Vinton | |
49th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel William H. Irwin | |
5th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment | Colonel Amasa Cobb | |
Second Brigade | Brigadier General W. T. H. Brooks | |
2nd Vermont Infantry Regiment | Colonel Henry Whiting | |
3rd Vermont Infantry Regiment | Colonel Breed N. Hyde | |
4th Vermont Infantry Regiment | Colonel Edwin H. Stoughton | |
5th Vermont Infantry Regiment | Colonel Henry A. Smalley | |
6th Vermont Infantry Regiment | Colonel Nathan Lord | |
Third Brigade | Brigadier General J. W. Davidson | |
7th Maine Infantry Regiment | Colonel Edwin C. Mason | |
20th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Francis Weiss | from Dept. Va., 1 Div., 2 Brig. |
33rd New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Robert F. Taylor | |
49th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Daniel D. Bidwell | |
77th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel James B. McKean | |
Division Artillery | ||
1st New York Independent Battery | Lieutenant Andrew B. Cowan | |
3rd New York Independent Battery | Captain Thaddeus P. Mott | |
1st New York Artillery, Battery E | Captain Charles C. Wheeler | |
Battery F, 5th United States Artillery | Captain Romeyn B. Ayres | |
Cavalry |