United States Army > Army of the Potomac
< to January • February 1863 • to March >
Commanded by:
Major General William F. Smith (to 2/4)
Major General John Sedgwick
Escort |
10th New York Cavalry, Company L | Lieutenant George Vanderbuilt | |
1st Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. H | Captain William S. Craft | from 2 Brig, 3 Div. Cavalry Corps |
6th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Cos. I & K | Captain James Starr (Co. I) Captain Frederick C. Newhall (Co. K) |
returned to 6 PA Cavalry |
First Division |
Brigadier General W. T. H. Brooks | |
First Brigade | Colonel H. W. Brown (to 2/8) Brigadier General A. T. A. Torbert |
1st New Jersey Infantry Regiment | Colonel Mark W. Collet | |
2nd New Jersey Infantry Regiment | Colonel Samuel L. Buck | |
3rd New Jersey Infantry Regiment | Colonel Henry W. Brown (after 2/8) | |
4th New Jersey Infantry Regiment | Colonel Wiliam Birney | |
15th New Jersey Infantry Regiment | Colonel Samuel Fowler | |
23rd New Jersey Infantry Regiment | Colonel Henry O. Ryerson | |
Second Brigade | Brigadier General Joseph J. Bartlett |
5th Maine Infantry Regiment | Colonel Nathaniel Jackson | |
16th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Joel J. Seaver | |
27th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Alexander Adams | |
121st New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Emory Upton | |
96th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Henry L. Cake | |
Third Brigade | Brigadier General David A. Russell (to 2/23) Colonel Gustavus W. Town |
18th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel George R. Myers | |
32nd New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Francis E. Pinto | |
49th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel William H. Irwin | from 2 Div. 1 Brig. |
95th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Gustavus W. Town | |
119th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Peter C. Ellmaker | from 2 Div. 1 Brig. |
Division Artillery | ||
Maryland Artillery, Battery A | Captain John W. Woolcott | |
1st Massachusetts Battery | Captain William H. McCarthey | |
Battery A, 1st New Jersey Artillery | Captain William Hexamer | |
Battery D, 2nd United States Artillery | Lieutenant Edward B. Williston | |
Second Division |
Brigadier General Albion P. Howe | |
First Brigade | Colonel R. F. Taylor | |
33rd New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Robert F. Taylor | |
49th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel William Brisbane | to 1 Div. 3 Brig. |
119th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Peter C. Ellmaker | to 1 Div. 3 Brig. |
Second Brigade | Colonel Henry Whiting (res. 2/9) Colonel Lewis A. Grant |
26th New Jersey Infantry Regiment | Colonel Andrew J. Morrison | |
2nd Vermont Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel James H. Walbridge (to Col. 2/9) | |
3rd Vermont Infantry Regiment | Colonel Thomas O. Seaver | |
4th Vermont Infantry Regiment | Colonel Charles B. Stoughton | |
5th Vermont Infantry Regiment | Colonel Lewis A. Grant (^) Lieutenant Colonel John R. Lewis |
6th Vermont Infantry Regiment | Colonel Oscar Tuttle | |
Third Brigade | Brigadier General Thomas H. Neill | |
7th Maine Infantry Regiment | Major Thomas W. Hyde | |
21st New Jersey Infantry Regiment | Colonel G. Van Houton | |
20th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Ernst Von Vegesack | |
49th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Daniel D. Bidwell | |
77th New York Infantry Regiment | Lt. Colonel Winsor B. French | |
Division Artillery | ||
Maryland Artillery, Battery B | Captain Alonzo Snow | |
1st New York Independent Battery | Captain Andrew B. Cowan | |
1st New York Artillery, Battery E | Captain Charles C. Wheeler | |
Battery F, 5th United States Artillery | Lieutenant Leonard Martin | |
Third Division |
Brigadier General Charles Devens Jr. Brigadier General John Newton |
First Brigade | Brigadier General John Cochrane (res.) Colonel Alexander Shaler |
65th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Alexander Shaler | |
67th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Nelson Cross | |
122nd New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Silas Titus | |
23rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Major John F. Glenn | |
61st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colone George C. Spear | |
82nd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel David H. Williams | |
Second Brigade | Colonel William H. Browne Brigadier General Charles Devens Jr. |
7th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment | Lt. Colonel Franklin P. Harlow | |
10th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment | Colonel Henry L. Eustis | |
37th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment | Colonel Oliver Edwards | |
36th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel William H. Browne | |
2nd Rhode Island Infantry Regiment | Lt. Colonel Nelson Viall | |
Third Brigade | Colonel F. H. Collier Brigadier General Frank Wheaton |
62nd New York Infantry Regiment | Major Wilson Hubbell | |
93rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Major John M. Mark | |
98th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Lt. Colonel Adolph Mehler | |
102nd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Lt. Colonel Joseph M. Kinkead | |
139th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Lt. Colonel James D. Owens | |
Division Artillery | ||
Battery C, 1st Pennsylvania Artillery | Captain Jeremiah McCarthy | |
Battery D, 1st Pennsylvania Artillery | Captain Michael Hall | |
2nd United States Artillery, Battery G | Lieutenant John H. Butler | |
Light Division |
Brigadier General Calvin E. Pratt |
6th Maine Infantry Regiment | ||
31st New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Frank Jones | |
43rd New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Benjamn F. Baker | |
61st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel George C. Spear | |
5th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment | Colonel Thomas S. Allen | |
3rd New York Independent Battery |