United States Army > Army of the Potomac
< to June • July 1863 • to August >
Commanded by:
Major General Abner Doubleday (7/1 – 7/2)
Major General John Newton (after 7/2)
On June 30 1st Corps commander Major General John F. Reynolds was assigned temporary command of the army’s Left Wing, which included the 3rd and 11th Corps along with the 1st Corps. Reynolds remained with the 1st Corps, and on July 1 went into battle at Gettysburg with its lead division. He was killed by a sharpshooter early in the fighting. The corps lost 50% casualties during the battle, mostly on July 1. Major General Doubleday took over the corps after Reynolds’ death. But General Meade had no confidence in Doubleday and decided to bring in Major General John Newton from outside to command the corps. This lead to Doubleday’s departure from the army on July 7, and Doubleday’s lifelong hatred of Meade.
Headquarters Escort | ||
1st Maine Cavalry, Co. L | Captain Constantine Taylor | |
First Division |
Brigadier General John S. Wadsworth (until 7/15) Brigadier General L. Cutler |
1st Brigade “Iron Brigade” | Brigadier General Solomon Meredith (w 7/2) Colonel W.W. Robinson |
19th Indiana Infantry Regiment | Colonel Samuel J. Williams (w 7/1) Lieutenant Colonel William W. Dudley (w&c 7/1) Major John M. Lindley (w 7/1) |
24th Michigan Infantry Regiment | Colonel Henry A. Morrow (w&c 7/1) Lieutenant Colonel Mark Flanagan (w 7/1) Major Edwin Wight (w 7/1) Captain Albert M. Edwards |
2nd Wisconsin Infantry Regiment | Colonel Lucius Fairchild (w&c 7/1) Lieutenant Col. George H. Stevens (mw 7/1) Major John Mansfield (w 7/1) |
6th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel Rufus R. Dawes | |
7th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment | Colonel William W. Robinson Lieutenant Colonel John B. Callis (w&c 7/1) Major Mark Finnicum (w 7/1) |
1st New York Sharpshooter Battalion | from Dept. Va., 7 Corps, 1 Div., 1 Brig. | |
167th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Joseph D. Davis | from Dept. Va., 7 Corps, 1 Div., 1 Brig. |
Second Brigade |
Brigadier General L. Cutler (until 7/15) Colonel E. B. Fowler (after 7/15) |
7th Indiana Infantry Regiment | Colonel Ira G. Grover | |
14th New York State Militia (84th N.Y.) | Colonel Edward Fowler | |
76th New York Infantry Regiment | Major Andrew J. Grover (k 7/1) Captain John E. Cook (to 7/12) Colonel Charles E. Livingston |
Col. Livingston was acting AAG to Gen. Doubleday from Dec.1862 to 7/12 |
95th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel George H. Biddle (w 7/1) Major Edward Pye (after 7/1) |
147th New York Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel Francis C. Miller (w 7/1) Major George Harney (after 7/1) |
56th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel John W. Hofmann | |
Second Division |
Brigadier General John C. Robinson | *see Note 1 (below) |
1st Brigade | Brigadier General Gabriel B. Paul (w 7/1) Colonel S. H. Leonard(w 7/1) Colonel A. R. Root (w 7/1) Colonel R. Coulter (7/1 – w 7/3) Colonel Peter Lyle (7/3) Colonel R. Coulter (7/3 – 7/5) Colonel Peter Lyle (after 7/5) |
16th Maine Infantry Regiment | Colonel Charles W. Tilden (c 7/1) Lieutenant Colonel Augustus Farnham |
13th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment | Colonel Samuel H. Leonard (to 7/1) Lieutenant Colonel Nathaniel W. Batchelder |
39th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment | Colonel Phineas S. Davis | from Dist. Washington, 22nd Corps 7/9 |
94th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel A. R. Root (until 7/1) Major Samuel Moffat (after 7/1) |
104th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Gilbert G. Prey | |
11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Captain Jacob J. Bierer (after 7/1) | temp. attached from 2 Brig. 7/2-7/5 |
107th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel James M. Thomson (w 7/1) Captain Emanuel D. Roath |
Second Brigade | Brigadier General H. Baxter | |
12th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment | Colonel James L. Bates (w 7/1) Lieutenant Colonel David Allen |
83rd New York Infantry (9th NYSM) | Lieutenant Colonel Joseph A. Moesch | |
97th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Charles Wheelock (c 7/1-7/4) Lieutenant Colonel John P. Spofford (c 7/1) Major Charles Northrup (7/1-7/4) |
11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel R. Coulter | temp. attached to 1 Brig. 7/2-7/5 |
88th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Captain Edmund Mass (c 7/1) Captain Henry Whiteside |
90th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Peter Lyle (to 7/3 and 7/4-7/5) Major Alfred J. Sellers (7/3 and after 7/5) |
Third Division |
Brigadier General Thomas A. Rowley (until 7/2) Major General Abner Doubleday (7/2 – 7/7) Brigadier General J.R. Kenly (after 7/7) |
See Note 2 (below) |
1st Brigade | Colonel Chapman Biddle (7/1) Brigadier General Thomas A. Rowley (7/2) Colonel Chapman Biddle (7/2-7/10) |
80th New York Infantry Regiment | Colonel Theodore B. Gates | to Army Potomac Provost Guard |
121st Pensylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Chapman Biddle (7/1 & 7/2 – 7/10) Major Alexander Biddle (except 7/2 – 7/10) |
142nd Pensylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Robert P. Cummins (mw 7/1) Lieutenant Colonel Alfred B. McCalmont |
151st Pensylvania Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel George F. McFarland (w 7/1) | mustered out 7/27 |
Second Brigade |
Brigadier General Roy Stone (w 7/1) Colonel Langhorne Wistar (w 7/1) Colonel Edmund L. Dana |
143rd Pensylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Edmund L. Dana (^ 7/1) Lieutenant Colonel John D. Musser (w 7/1) |
149th Pensylvania Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel Walton Dwight (w 7/1) Captain John Irvin (after 7/1) |
150th Pensylvania Infantry Regiment | Colonel Langhorne Wistar (to 7/1) Lieutenant Colonel Henry Huidekoper (w 7/1) |
Third Brigade (until 7/11) |
Brigadier General G. Stannard (w 7/3) Colonel Francis V. Randall (7/3 – 7/11) |
The brigade was dissolved 7/11 and was replaced (below) |
12th Vermont Infantry Regiment | Colonel Asa P. Blunt | to Brattleboro to muster out 7/6 |
13th Vermont Infantry Regiment | Colonel Francis V. Randall (to 7/3) Major Joseph J. Boynton |
to Brattleboro to muster out 7/8 |
14th Vermont Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Rose | to Brattleboro to muster out 7/18 |
15th Vermont Infantry Regiment | Colonel Redford Proctor | to Brattleboro to muster out 7/18 |
16th Vermont Infantry Regiment | Colonel Wheelock G. Veazey | to Brattleboro to muster out 7/18 |
Third Brigade (after 7/11) | Colonel Nathan T. Dushane | |
1st Maryland Infantry Regiment | Lieutanant Colonel John W. Wilson | from 8 Corps, French’s Div., Md. Brig. |
4th Maryland Infantry Regiment | Colonel Richard N. Bowerman | |
7th Maryland Infantry Regiment | Lieutenant Colonel Charles E. Phelps | |
8th Maryland Infantry Regiment | Colonel Andrew W. Denison | |
Corps Artillery |
Colonel Charles Wainwright |
2nd Maine Battery | Captain James A. Hall | |
5th Maine Battery | Lieutenant Greenleaf T. Stevens (w 7/2) Lieutenant Edward N. Whittier (after 7/2) |
1st New York Artillery, Battery E | attached to battery L (see below) | |
1st New York Artillery, Battery L | Captain John A. Reynolds (w 7/1) Lieutenant George Beck |
1st Pennsylvania Artillery, Battery B | Captain James H. Cooper | |
4th United States Artillery, Battery B | Lieutenant James Stewart (w 7/1) Lieutenant James Davison (w 7/1) |
*Note 1: The 2nd Division suffered 56% casualties at Gettysburg, most in fighting west of town on the first day. Gabriel Paul’s First Brigade fared slightly worse with 67%, with Paul suffering a head wound that left him blind. The loss of officers in his brigade was so severe that the 11th Pennsylvania was temporarily transferred from the Second Brigade so that Colonel Richard Coulter could take command; when he, in turn, was wounded, Colonel Peter Lyle of the 90th Pennsylvania was borrowed to take over the survivors.
*Note 2: The Third Division’s 1st and 2nd Brigades suffered along with the rest of the Corps on the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg, losing over 60% casualties. The newly transferred 3rd Brigade did not join the division from Washington until the second day of battle and left two regiments behind guarding supply lines, so although it performed superbly on July 2 and during Pickett’s Charge its casualties were much lighter. Stannard’s heroic Vermonters mustered out during the month and were replaced with a fresh brigade from the Washington defences.