United States Army > Army of the Potomac

< to May • June 1864 • to July >

Commanded by Major General Horatio Wright


8th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. A Captain Charles E. Fellows

First Division

Major General Horatio G. Wright (^ 5/9)
Brigadier General D. A. Russell
First Brigade Colonel William H. Penrose
1st Delaware Cavalry (Dismounted)
1st New Jersey Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel William Henry (w 6/1) Non-Veterans relieved for muster out. Veterans & Recruits attached to 15 New Jersey
2nd New Jersey Infantry Regiment
3rd New Jersey Infantry Regiment
4th New Jersey Infantry Regiment Major Charles Ewing
10th New Jersey Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry O. Ryerson
15th New Jersey Infantry Regiment Colonel Wiliam H. Penrose
Second Brigade Colonel Emory Upton
2nd Connecticut Heavy Artillery Colonel Elisha S. Kellogg (k 6/1)
Colonel Ranald Mackenzie
5th Maine Infantry Regiment Colonel Clark S. Edwards
121st New York Infantry Regiment
95th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Captain E. Carroll
96th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel William H. Lessig
Third Brigade Brigadier General Henry L. Eustis (to 6/12)
Lieutenant Colonel Gideon Clark
37th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel Oliver Edwards from 2 Div. 4 Brig.
6th Maine Infantry Regiment
49th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Thomas M. Hulings
119th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Peter Ellmaker
2nd Rhode Island Infantry Regiment from 2 Div. 4 Brig.
5th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment Colonel Thomas S. Allen
Fourth Brigade Colonel Nelson Cross (6/20)
Colonel Joseph E. Hamblin
65th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Joseph E. Hamblin (^ 6/20)
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Higginbotham
67th New York Infantry Regiment
122nd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Silas Titus
23rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel William Wallace
82nd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Issac C. Bassett (w 6/1)
Lieutenant Colonel John M. Wetherill

Second Division

Brigadier General Thomas Neill (to 6/21)
Brigadier General Frank Wheaton (to 6/28)
Brigadier General G. W. Getty
First Brigade Brigadier General Frank Wheaton (^ 6/21)
Colonel J. F. Ballier (to 6/28)
Brigadier General Frank Wheaton
62nd New York Infantry Regiment
93rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
98th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
102nd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
139th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
Second Brigade Brigadier General Lewis A. Grant
2nd Vermont Infantry Regiment Major Amasa Tracy (to LC 6/17)
3rd Vermont Infantry Regiment Colonel Thomas O. Seaver
4th Vermont Infantry Regiment Colonel George P. Foster
5th Vermont Infantry Regiment Colonel John R. Lewis
6th Vermont Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Oscar Hale
1st Vermont Heavy Artillery Regiment Colonel James M. Warner
Third Brigade Colonel D. D. Bidwell (to 6/21)
Brigadier General Thomas H. Neill
7th Maine Infantry Regiment Colonel Edwin C. Mason
43rd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Benjamin F. Baker
49th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel George Johnson (to 6/21)
Colonel Daniel D. Bidwell
77th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Winsor B. French
61st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel George F. Smith
Fourth Brigade Brigadier General Oliver Edwards
7th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel Thomas D . Johns 6/16 left front to muster out
10th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Joseph B. Parsons 6/19 left front to muster out
37th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel Rufus P. Lincoln (trans. 6/19)
Colonel Mason W. Tyler
to 1 Div. 3 Brig.
2nd Rhode Island Infantry Regiment Colonel Samual B.M. Read (to 6/17) to 1 Div. 3 Brig.

Third Division

Brigadier General John B. Ricketts
First Brigade Colonel William S. Truex (6/1)
Colonel C. K. Hall (to 6/2)
Colonel John W. Schall (6/3)
Colonel C. K. Hall (6/3)
Colonel William S. Truex
14th New Jersey Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Caldwell K. Hall
106th New York Infantry Regiment Major Andrew N. McDonald
151st New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Erwin A. Bowen
87th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel John W. Schall
10th Vermont Infantry Regiment Colonel Albert B. Jewett
Second Brigade Colonel Benjamin F. Smith
6th Maryland Infantry Regiment Colonel John W. Horn
110th Ohio Infantry Regiment Major Otho H. Binkley
122nd Ohio Infantry Regiment Colonel William H. Ball
126th Ohio Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel William H. Harlan
67th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
138th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Matthew R. McClennan


Brigadier General Calvin E. Pratt
4th Maine Independent Battery
5th Maine Independent Battery from 5 Corps Artillery
1st Massachusets Independent Battery Captain William H. McCartney
1st New Jersey Artillery, Battery A
1st New York Independent Battery Captain Andrew Cowan
3rd New York Independent Battery Captain Wiliam A. Harn
9th New York Heavy Artillery, 2nd Bn. to 22 Corps, Haskin’s Div., 1 Brig.
1st Ohio Artillery, Battery H
1st Rhode Island Artillery, Battery C
1st Rhode Island Artillery, Battery E
1st Rhode Island Artillery, Battery G
2nd United States Artillery, Battery G Lieutenant John H. Butler
5th United States Artillery, Battery E
5th United States Artillery, Battery M Captain James McKnight