United States Army > Army of the Potomac

< to August • September 1862 • to October >

Commanded by Major General William B. Franklin

The First Division of the Fourth Corps was attached on September 13th 1862. On September 26th it was redesignated as the Third Division, Sixth Army Corps.

First Division

Brigadier General Henry Slocum
First Brigade Colonel Alfred T. A. Torbert
1st New Jersey Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Mark W. Collet
2nd New Jersey Infantry Regiment Colonel Samuel L. Buck
3rd New Jersey Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry W. Brown
4th New Jersey Infantry Regiment Colonel William B. Hatch
Second Brigade Brigadier General Joseph J. Bartlett
5th Maine Infantry Regiment Colonel Nathaniel J. Jackson (to BG 9/24)
16th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Joel J. Seaver (Col. 9/29)
27th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Alexander Adams
121st New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Richard Franchot (res. 9/25)
Colonel Emory Upton
from New York 9/30
96th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry L. Cake
Third Brigade Brigadier General John Newton
Colonel R. Matthewson
18th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel George R. Myers
31st New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Calvin E. Pratt (to BG 9/10)
Lieutenant Colonel Francis E. Pinto
Lt. Col. Pinto, 32nd NY took command of the 31st after Col. Pratt was promoted. After Col. Matheson and Maj. Lemmon of the 32nd were mortally wounded, he temporarily commanded both regiments
32nd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Roderick Matheson (mw 9/14)
Major George F. Lemmon (mw 9/14)
Lieutenant Colonel Francis E. Pinto
95th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Gustavus Town
Division Cavalry and Artillery
Maryland Artillery, Battery A Captain John W. Woolcott from Artillery Reserve
1st Massachusetts Battery Captain. Josiah Porter
Battery A, 1st New Jersey Artillery Captain William Hexamer
Battery D, 2nd United States Artillery Lieutenant Edward B. Williston

Second Division

Brigadier General William F. Smith
First Brigade Brigadier General Winfield S. Hancock (to 9/17)
Colonel Amasa Cobb (9/17 – 9/25)
Brigadier General C. E. Pratt
6th Maine Infantry Regiment Colonel Hiram Burnham
43rd New York Infantry Regiment Major John Wilson (to 9/24)
Colonel Benjamin L. Baker
49th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel William Brisbane
137th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry M. Bossert  from Harrisburg 8/25
5th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment Colonel Amasa Cobb
Second Brigade Brigadier General W. T. H. Brooks
2nd Vermont Infantry Regiment Major James H. Walbridge
3rd Vermont Infantry Regiment Colonel Breed N. Hyde
4th Vermont Infantry Regiment Colonel Edwin H. Stoughton
5th Vermont Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry A. Smalley (res. 9/10)
Colonel Lewis A. Grant
6th Vermont Infantry Regiment Major Oscar S. Tuttle (to LTC 9/19)
Third Brigade Colonel William H. Irvin
7th Maine Infantry Regiment Major Thomas W. Hyde
21st New Jersey Infantry Regiment Colonel G. Van Houton from New Jersey 9/18
20th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Ernst Von Vegesack
33rd New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Joseph W. Corning
49th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel William C. Alberger (w 9/17)
Major George W. Johnson
77th New York Infantry Regiment Captain Nathan S. Babcock
Division Artillery
Maryland Artillery, Battery B Lieutenant Theodore J. Vanneman from 5 Corps, Art. Res., 4 Brig.
1st New York Independent Battery Lieutenant Andrew B. Cowan
3rd New York Independent Battery Captain Thaddeus P. Mott to 4 Corps, 1 Div. Artilery
1st New York Artillery, Battery E Captain Charles C. Wheeler
Battery F, 5th United States Artillery Captain Romeyn B. Ayres

First Division, 4th Corps
Third Division

Major General Darius Couch attached from 4 Corps 9/13;
designated  3 Div. 6 Corps 9/26
First Brigade Brigadier General Charles Devens Jr.
7th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel David A. Russell
10th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry L. Eustis
36th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel William H. Browne
2nd Rhode Island Infantry Regiment Colonel Frank Wheaton
Second Brigade
Brigadier General Albion P. Howe
55th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Louis Thourot to 3 Corps, 1 Div. 3 Brig.
62nd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel David J. Nevin
93rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel James M. McCarter
98th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel John F. Balier
102nd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Thomas A. Rowley
139th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Frederick H. Collier from Pittsburg 9/1
Third Brigade  Brigadier General John Cochrane
65th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Alexander Shaler
67th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Julius W. Adams
122nd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Silas Titus from New York 8/28
23rd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Thomas Neill
61st Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colone George C. Spear
82nd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel David H. Williams
Division Artillery
Battery C, 1st Pennsylvania Artillery Captain Jeremiah McCarthy
Battery D, 1st Pennsylvania Artillery Captain Edward H. Flood
2nd United States Artillery, Battery G