United States Army > Army of the Potomac

< to October • November 1862 • to December >

Commanded by Major General Henry W. Slocum

First Division

Brigadier General Alpheus S. Williams

First Brigade

Colonel J. F. Knipe
5th Connecticut Infantry Regiment Colonel George D. Chapman
10th Maine Infantry Regiment
28th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Edwin F Brown
46th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel J.L. Selfridge
128th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Joseph A. Matthews

Second Brigade

Brig. Gen. Thomas L. Kane
20th Connecticut Infantry Regiment Colonel Samuel Ross
3rd Maryland Infantry Regiment Colonel Joseph M. Sudsburg
123rd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Archibad L. McDougall
124th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Joseph W. Hawley
125th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Jacob Higgins

Third Brigade

Brig. Gen. George H. Gordon
27th Indiana Infantry Regiment Colonel Silas Colgrove
2nd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel George L. Andrews
13th New Jersey Infantry Regiment Colonel Ezra A. Carman
107th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Alexander S. Diven
29th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Captain Samuel M. Zulich
3rd Wisconsin Infantry Regiment


1st New York Artillery, Battery K
1st New York Artillery, Battery M Capt. George W. Cothran
4th United States Artillery, Battery F Lieutenant Edward D. Muhlenberg

Second Division

Brigadier General John W. Geary

First Brigade

Colonel Thomas H. Ruger
5th Ohio Infantry Regiment Major John Collins
7th Ohio Infantry Regiment Captain Frederick A. Seymour
29th Ohio Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Theron S. Winship
66th Ohio Infantry Regiment
28th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment
147th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Ario Pardee, Jr.

Second Brigade

Brig. Gen. Nathaniel J. Jackson
3rd Delaware Infantry Regiment
Purnell Legion (Maryland) Infantry Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin L. Simpson
60th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Charles R. Brundage
140th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Patrick H. O’Rourke to 5 Corps, 2 Div., 3 Brig.
145th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Edward L. Price

Third Brigade

Brigadier General George S. Greene
78th New York Infantry Regiment
102nd New York Infantry Regiment
137th New York Infantry Regiment
149th New York Infantry Regiment
109th Pensylvania Infantry Regiment Captain George E. Seymour
111th Pensylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Matthew Schlaudecker (res. 11/6)
Colonel George A. Cobham


6th Maine Independent Battery Captain Freeman McGilvery
Pennsylvania Independent Battery E Captain Joseph M. Knap
Pennsylvania Independent Battery F Captain Robert B. Hampton