United States Army > Army of the Potomac

< to October • November 1862 • to December >

Commanded by Brigadier General John F. Reynolds (promoted Major General November 29)

Headquarters Escort
2nd New York Cavalry, Companies A, B, I & K Captain John E. Naylor

First Division

Brigadier General Abner Doubleday (MG 11/29)
First Brigade Colonel Walter Phelps, Jr.
24th Michigan Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry Morrow to 4th Brigade (below)
22nd New York Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel John McKie Jr.
24th New York Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel Samuel R. Beardsley
30th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel William M. Searing
14th New York State Militia Major William H. de Bevoise
2nd United States Sharpshooters Colonel Henry Post (res. 11/16)
Colonel Hiram Burnham
Second Brigade Lieutenant Colonel J. W. Hoffman (to 11/9)
Colonel W. P. Wainwright (11/9 – 11/20)
Colonel J. Gavin 
7th Indiana Infantry Regiment Major Ira Grover
76th New York Infantry Regiment Major Charles E. Livingston (to 11/20)
Colonel William P. Wainwright
95th New York Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Edward Pye
56th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Captain Frederick Williams (to 11/9)
Lieutenant Colonel J. W. Hoffman
Third Brigade Brigadier General Gabriel B. Paul
21st New York Infantry Regiment Colonel William F. Rogers
23rd New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry C. Hoffman
35th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Newton B. Lord
80th New York Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel Theodore B. Gates
Fourth Brigade Brigadier General John Gibbon (to 11/6)
Colonel Lysander Cutler (11/6 – 11/26)
Brigadier General Solomon Meredith
24th Michigan Infantry Regiment Colonel Henry Morrow from 1st Brigade (above)
19th Indiana Infantry Regiment
2nd Wisconsin Infantry Regiment Colonel Lucius Fairchild
6th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment
7th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment
Division Artillery
1st New Hampshire Battery Lieutenant Frederick M. Edgell
Battery L, 1st New York Artillery Captain John A. Reynolds
4th United States Artillery, Battery B Lieutenant James Stewart

Second Division

Brigadier General Nelson Taylor (to 11/5)
Brigadier General John Gibbon
First Brigade Colonel Thomas F. McCoy (to 11/15)
Colonel Adrian R. Root
16th Maine Infantry Regiment Colonel Asa Wildes from 3 Brig. (below)
94th New York Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel John Kress from 2 Brig. (below)
97th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Charles Wheelock
104th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Gilbert G. Prey
105th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel John W. Shedd
107th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Thomas F. McCoy
Second Brigade Colonel Peter Lyle 
26th New York Infantry Regiment Colonel Richard H. Richardson
94th New York Infantry Regiment Lt. Colonel Calvin Littlefield (res. 11/1)
Lt. Colonel John Kress
to 1 Brig. (above)
88th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel George P. McLean
90th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Lieutenant Colonel Leech
136th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Thomas M. Bayne
Third Brigade Colonel R. Coulter (to 11/5)
Brigadier General Nelson Taylor

16th Maine Infantry Regiment Colonel Asa Wildes to 1 Brig. (above)
12th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel James L. Bates
13th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment Colonel Samuel H. Leonard
9th New York State Militia Lt. Colonel Joseph A. Moesch
11th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Colonel Richard Coulter
Division Artillery
2nd Maine Battery Captain James A. Hall
5th Maine Battery Captain G. F. Leppien
Battery F, 1st Pennsylvania Lt. Artillery Captain Ezra P. Matthews
Pennsylvania Independent Battery C Captain James Thompson

Third Division

Brigadier General G. Meade 
First Brigade Brigadier General Truman Seymour (to 11/14)
Colonel W. Sinclair
1st Pennsylvania Reserves Colonel Richard B. Roberts (res. 11/1)
2nd Pennsylvania Reserves
5th Pennsylvania Reserves Colonel Joseph W. Fisher to 3rd Brigade (below)
6th Pennsylvania Reserves Colonel William Sinclair
13th Pennsylvania Reserves
121st Pensylvania Infantry Regiment
Second Brigade Colonel Albert L. Magilton
3rd Pennsylvania Reserves
4th Pennsylvania Reserves
7th Pennsylvania Reserves
8th Pennsylvania Reserves
142nd Pensylvania Infantry Regiment
Third Brigade Colonel J. W. Fisher (to 10/2)
Brigadier General C. F. Jackson
5th Pennsylvania Reserves Colonel Joseph W. Fisher from 1st Brigade (above)
9th Pennsylvania Reserves
10th Pennsylvania Reserves
11th Pennsylvania Reserves
12th Pennsylvania Reserves
Division Artillery
Battery A, 1st Pennsylvania Artillery Lieutenant John G. Simpson
Battery B, 1st Pennsylvania Artillery Captain James H. Cooper
Battery G, 1st Pennsylvania Artillery Lieutenant Frank P. Amsden
Battery C, 5th United States Artillery Captain Dunbar R. Ransom